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Need Help With Car Seat Installation?

At The Pure Parenting Shop we have registered CPSTs ready to help you learn how to correctly install your car seat. Click here to schedule your private 60 min install consultation.  If you have purchased your seat from The Pure Parenting Shop please call or text to schedule your appointment as this service comes with the seat for free for the life of the seat.  

Three ladies standing behind a convertible car seat and an infant car seat in a stroller. These women are CPSTs or Certified Passenger Safety Technicians.

What is a CPST you ask? CPST stands for Child Passenger Safety Technician. CPST's go thru a multi-day training course to learn how to properly install and use car seats, and how to educate the public they work with on proper use and best practice. They are a great resource, outside of reading your manual and reaching out to your manufacturer, as they can meet with you in person to offer assistance and education.

From Safe Kids Worldwide "CPS technicians and instructors use their considerable knowledge and expertise at a variety of community-based activities, such as child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers receive education and hands-on assistance. CPS technicians and instructors also keep up-to-date on the latest technical information about child passenger safety through seminars and other continuing education opportunities."



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